Although we mostly list Las Vegas-based resources, we hope there are those of you who will find solutions in these pages that will help you and/or your loved ones (re)discover the positive force of coping creatively.
- Adults subjected to BULLYING
a Video by Kevin Harry (personal friend of Ava’s) against bullying
- Las Vegas Review-Journal
“Bullying behavior doesn’t end when childhood ends”
By: John Przybys
"It all seems so…wrong. Bizarre, even. But here it is: The perils of being bullied don’t end with the arrival of adulthood. In fact, adults are just as susceptible as kids to being bullied."
- StopBullying.gov
- Investopedia.com
“Financial Impacts of Workplace Bullying”
"Society is becoming more aware of bullying in all aspects of our world – everywhere from school to online. We are recognizing that bullying can be found in many different situations. Workplace bullying has also become a more common topic of discussion, with estimates suggesting that somewhere between 25 and 50% of the workforce has been subject to some form of bullying in the workplace. Nearly half of the working population has witnessed it at some point. Workplace bullying can take many forms and is generally intentional."
- Las Vegas Tribune
“Bullying: A crime of the present as well as the past”
By: Perly Viasmensky Wednesday, 29 June 2011
"Bullying is not confined to schoolchildren only. There is an unbelievable number of adult victims of bullies in the workplace. There is a great number of office managers and supervisors who enjoy humiliating, intimidating and verbally abusing employees when they know that the victim of their abuse is in great need of the job they are performing and cannot afford the luxury of slashing back. The problem with those so-called people in power is that their superiority complex does not allow them to realize that they are nothing but uneducated individuals who made it to a higher position through a quirk of fate, luck or marriage. Deep inside they know that the other person is superior to them and they hate to admit it. Other times they are doing to the people under them what someone else did to them and they were forced, back then, to bite their tongue and keep their mouth shut. Now, they are “free” to bully and don’t hold back.”
a 501(c)3 nonprofit affiliated with UCLAk “About Us” page
This young lady is Savannah Robinson. She's the daughter of my friend, Kevin Parker Robinson, who is a performer/musician. CNN's Anderson Cooper interviewed Savanah Robinson in 2015 for a segment on bullying. She was a performer and appeared on several popular TV shows when was 12 years old.
"Hi, my name is savannah. I'm 12 and have been a victim of bullying. thought i'd shoot this
video for all of my friends who have experienced the same, and all the other underdogs out there."